
Saturday, September 21, 2013

The 36 Crazy Fists (1977)

A young man decides to learn Kung Fu to avenge the death of his father, a peaceful shopkeeper who was murdered by Manchurian gangsters for not paying protection money. At first he is rejected by his teachers because he is weak, but through persistence, and some help from other students and a mysterious drunk, he learns the skills he needs to avenge his father

First off let me tell you right up may see Jackie Chan's name blasted all over the DVD covers for this film but he's not in it. According to Jackie, he was furious about them using his name, but there was little he could do at the time.  He was instead the stunt coordinator. The prints of this film are awful. I'm not sure if there's a remastered version out there somewhere...but most of the releases in the USA are poor quality and look there were recorded right off a TV.  It's also known as : "Bloodpact," & "The Master and the Boxer,"  It is not the fault of director Hua Chen that his movie was pirated and deviously marketed.  The film actually is not that bad.

Leung Siu Hung stars as a young man who is trying to learn kung fu for revenge.  He not only has one teacher...home boy has two.  He must be a super quick learner because he masters shit in a week's time. It has some of the typical marital arts themes....old drunk master, bumbling sidekicks and the girl who sticks her nose into everything. Although the girl does get topless which is not common in such films.

I came here to drink wine and kick ass....and I'm all out of wine
 The film has a few good fights such as Fung Hak-on using a chain rope and the climax fight against the white haired villain.  When a guy has white hair in a martial arts film he can kick major ass. It also has a lot of comedy.  Personally, I'm not a big fan of the comical martial arts films. I'm usually rolling my eyes and not laughing very much.  On the other hand, if you're a fan of these older martial arts films then you will probably enjoy it.  As a professional student of kung fu films, I say it's only average.  If I could see a remastered, uncut film I could be persuaded to change my mind.  But this version didn't have me kicking for joy.

Jackie coordinating with what appears to be a cigarette in his that's bad ass.