
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apollo 18 (2011)

Let's Rock N Roll
The film involves decades-old found footage from NASA's abandoned Apollo 18 mission, where two American astronauts were sent on a secret expedition and reveals the reason the U.S. has never returned to the moon.

It's been almost 3 whole months since my last review.....but this film prompted me to launch myself to the computer and get a review out.  Ladies and Gents....this film reveals why the U.S. never returned to the moon.  That's right....small killer rocks that are alive ruined that shit for us.  I really can't put into words how much I was disappointed in this movie. I love found footage movies but this one had trouble. For one, it's hard to get heart pounding action with two guys bouncing around on the moon in slow motion trying to just walk.  And the characters actually weren't very likable. I actually like the idea and premise from this film but something is off and it seemed much longer than the 90 minutes it ran. In fact, all prints of this movie should be rocketed to the moon. And you can add your own jokes for some of the dialogue in the movie....see below

Nate: Get it out. It's so cold. Get it out, Ben. Get it out, get it out! Damn it Ben get it out!

 A couple of things can be learned from this film though.  Aliens like to steal flags and if you are going on a top secret, hush, hush mission, take along a movie camera with enough film to record the entire trip. I am being a bit harsh but if you have other options to watch than I would recommend the other options. The film was directed by López-Gallego's and is his first English-language film.


The opening scenes introducing the three main characters was the last stuff shot for the movie

This film has no score.

This film was shot using old camera lenses from the 70s.

The after effects of viewing this film......