
Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Cadaver Christmas (2011)

United by terrifying and bizarre circumstances, the janitor, the drunk, the bartender, the cop, his perp, and the student security guard must fight to undo the professor's work. A dark force is at work in the cadaver lab this Christmas and this unconventional band of heroes are the only hope the world has against an army of living corpses that are quickly recruiting new members. The undead have been given the gift of life and it's up to the janitor to take it back. 

From Level 33 Entertainment comes a horror zom-comedy. A group of misfits have to save the world from a cadaver invasion.  And quite a group it is....You have a drunk (played by Hanlon Smith-Dorsey), a bartender (played by Ben Hopkins), a former police officer (played by Yosh Hayashi), a perp (played by Edward O'Ryan) and a janitor (played by Daniel Rairdin-Hale). The cadaver's come to life in a lab at the local college and they must not escape. 

We are here to save the world.
From what I can tell after hearing opinions of others on this film, I'm in the minority that didn't really care for it.  It's a horror comedy but the problem is I wasn't laughing.  I did chuckle a few times though. I wanted to like the film.  I really did.  But just like George Washington I cannot tell a lie. It was average zombie fare that was short on laughs but I'll give some was full of gore. Lots of gore. 

It's pretty obvious that not a lot of money was spent on this film.  It's low budget all the way.  One thing that was cool was that the movie scuffed up the film trying to make it look like a grindhouse film. It had some crazy moments for sure such as the perp sneaking off and fucking a corpse.
I love B movies and horribly bad movies that are so bad they are good.  A zombie Christmas movie sounds awesome on paper.  Poor execution. The characters had poor dialogue and are so annoying that instead of rooting for them, I couldn't wait until they died.  If you're a zombie movie fan and have to see everything zombie related give it a try.  I might even give it a second viewing to see if my opinion changes.  Doubtful though. 

I'm a janitor.  Never leave a mess unclean.