
Friday, November 29, 2013

Intermedio (2005)

A group of four teenage friends become trapped in a Mexican border tunnel where they fall prey, one-by one, to tortured ghosts who haunt it.

This Thanksgiving holiday has not been good for my movie watching.  Here's another shitty fucking film I wasted 90 minutes of my life on.  This is a cheap movie with cheap "effects" that are eye-rolling at best.  The "ghosts" are guys dressed in skeleton costumes like in the fucking "Karate Kid".  The only entertaining part of this film is watching Cernia Vincent running around in a cut-off t-shirt sans bra and with thong-cut jeans.  She is quite fetching.

We're here and we're ready to act.
 The whole movie has the kids running around in tunnels...running in abandoned buildings...running up and down ladders.  And they hug a lot. The one moment that had me do a double take???  A ghost throws a pickaxe at Cerina and she suddenly demonstrates a Matrix-like move, doubling her body backward to avoid the weapon, then leaps about like a kung fu expert to fight off the villain. What in the blue hell?

This is a standard teens-against-monsters horror quickie, and you know what that means. There is not one iota of originality in this movie; you've seen every one of these recycled plot devices a hundred times before.  Avoid unless you've been drinking heavily.

In the caves of Mexico...There is something worse than death. It's this film.

The cast on Amber Benson's foot is real. Shortly before filming, a landscaping mishap at home caused several fractures.

Edward Furlong's pants didn't fit at first because the waist and inseam sizes were accidentally switched. The pants were too long, and too tight at the waist. However, they fit Paul Cram perfectly.

The original script followed Steve Railsback's character as he killed the teens, with strange and elaborate traps he set in the tunnel, to avenge his son's death.

At least he doesn't have to watch the rest of the film.