
Friday, November 25, 2016

13 Ghosts (1960)

A family inherits what proves to be a haunted house, but a special pair of goggles allows them to see their ghostly tormentors.

13 Ghosts is a 1960 American horror film written by Robb White and directed by William Castle. The film stars 11-year-old child actor Charles Herbert, Jo Morrow, Rosemary DeCamp, Martin Milner, Donald Woods, and co-features experienced character actress Margaret Hamilton. Throughout the film, Buck (Herbert) refers to Elaine (Hamilton) as a witch. Though this is never confirmed, the film hints at the possibility. These inside references were an acknowledgement of Hamilton's best known role as the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz (1939).

Gimmick-loving producer William Castle strikes again with this fun haunted-house thriller which invited audiences to find the hidden ghosts roaming about a haunted house through a special process called "Illusion-O" by which patrons could employ a special pair of red-and-blue-colored glasses to detect ghosts on the screen during the film's color-tinted sequences. The story is set in the mansion of the deceased occult scientist Dr. Zorba, whose nephew Cyrus and his family occupy the creepy estate and discover that they are not the only tenants. It seems the Doctor has been harboring 12 elusive specters on the premises, the appearance of which can only be detected through his final invention: a special pair of ghost-viewing goggles. To further complicate matters, it is learned that Zorba has stashed a small fortune somewhere in the house, and someone -- or something -- is determined to stop Cyrus and family from finding it. This film's original release featured an introduction from Castle, describing the "Illusion-O" process and demonstrating the proper use of the tinted glasses; he also appears in an epilogue stating that the glasses can be used to detect ghosts outside the theater!

Buck will get you safe,  He's good at keeping secrets too. 
Don't confuse this movie with the awful remake. As a kid this was one of my favorite movies.  This is a great movie for kids (and adults) who love ghosts and spooky stuff, but are not at all ready (or desirous) of watching a movie full of gore, putrescent language or non-stop violence. It's just a fun mother fucking movie.  13 Ghosts has stood the test of time well, as have most of Castle's films. While much is made of the gimmick of seeing the ghosts with 3d glasses, the movie itself is well made and not just a vehicle to carry the gimmick.

All of the actors do a fine job. There are no Oscar winners here, but you have a Ward and June Cleaver set of doting parents, a pretty teenage daughter and the main star is a young boy who gets all the "good lines". There's even a cameo by the Wicked Witch of the West playing....a witch? 

13 Times the Thrills! 13 Times the Chills! 13 Times the Fun!
It's mostly a gimmicky film, but that doesn't mean it isn't a fun one either, which it is. This one is mostly there for those who enjoy these kind of cheesy films or who are in the mood for something fun.  You, a bowl of popcorn and 13 ghosts in a dark room and you too will see the brilliance of William Castle. Even without the special glasses, this movie is cool.  You don't like it.....Buck doesn't give a fuck. 

On one last note.....I really wanted to whip that Ben's ass from age 10 to the present day.  How could he try to murder a fine young christian boy like Buck?  

Lisa's favorite.....BUCK
Several people call Elaine Zacharides (played by Margaret Hamilton) a witch. Margaret is even carrying a broom when we first see here, which Charles points out. Margaret Hamilton played the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz.

The last feature film of Charles Herbert.

The exterior of the Cyrus Zorba House that the family inherits is in reality the Winchester Mystery House located in San Jose California. This is not the main entrance "street view", but is from one of the other many entrances of the house. Notice the handrail running up the middle of the steps so that it's easier (and safer) for public use.

William Castle was able to get popular child actor Charles Herbert to play Buck by offering to give him top billing. Charles Herbert would appear in this and two other features in this year before roles in features completely dried up. He would complete his career in television roles.

William Castle: [gimmick] The movie was filmed in "Illusion-O" and a special viewer was needed to see the ghosts. This resulted in a number of sources incorrectly stating that the film was originally shown in 3D. The "ghost viewers" contained a red filter and a blue filter, but unlike 3D viewers/glasses, both eyes would look through the same color filter. The red filter would cause the ghostly images to intensify while the blue filter caused the images to fade.

I'm Buck and I don't give a fuck. 

Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies

You'll believe in ghosts too when you see them thru the GHOST VIEWER. Turns 'em on, turns 'em off when they turn on you.