
Friday, December 20, 2013

Beware (2010)

The town of Shady Grove holds many dark secrets. Amongst those secrets is the sadistic tale of "Shane", a boy who was tortured and chained to a tree as a youngster. Legend has it that for years he survived in the woods all alone until one day he managed to escape. Now, damaged and broken, he wanders those woods in search of blood, with his trademark chains fused to his wrists. Despite years of tales and urban myths, no proof of his existence has ever been discovered, until five unsuspecting teens reveal the truth on an ill-fated trip. 

The movie has the perfect name....Beware watching it.  The cast of kids that go off into the woods are bad...very bad.  I was cheering the killer to finish them off.  That guy Francisco...He was so annoying that I want to find him in real life and whip his ass. But it wasn't all horrible.  The sheriff and the 2 rednecks are actually pretty amusing in the film.  

That's Francisco on the right...the dude with the black fingernails and in serious need of a haircut.
I'm going to throw out some more praise.  The film/production crew actually did a pretty good job with what had to be a shoe string budget. The film looks more expensive than it actually was.  And while I'm dishing out good vibes, let me also say that the killer "Shane" is pretty damn cool.  It's a shame the cast around him was the opposite of cool.

Overall I've seen much worse slasher films.  Only for diehard horror fans though. 

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