
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ilsa She Wolf Of The SS (1975)

Ilsa is an evil Nazi warden at a death camp that conducts "medical experiments". Ilsa's goal is to prove that women can withstand more pain and suffering than men and therefore should be allowed to fight on the front lines. 

Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS is a 1975 American Nazi exploitation film produced in the USA. The film was directed by Don Edmonds, produced by David F. Friedman and written by Jonah Royston. 

The scene is set from the start - Ilsa, chief warden of a Nazi concentration - is enjoying the pleasures of one of her male captives. He has the temerity to orgasm before she does, and is speedily hauled off by 2 of Ilsa's henchwomen for speedy castration. Shortly after, a lorry load of fresh female captives arrives. Ilsa informs them: "Do not be afraid, we are doctors." While this statement is true, the reality is that she wishes to use them in "medical experiments" to prove that women are as able to withstand pain as men, in fact better. This is in fact "proved" by flogging one of each to death at the same time, with the two henchwomen laying on with whips while stripped to the waist. After much more along the same lines, Ilsa's nemesis arrives - a blond, blue-eyed American who has been swept up in the death camps. He satisfies her, but weakened by lust for him, Ilsa fails to spot the inevitable prisoners revolt which reverses the table on the baddies. 

The most dreaded Nazi of them all!
 This film is insane. Ilsa is first and foremost an exploitation film and, realizing that, I have to say it is in the upper echelons of its field because it wallows in filth and does so unapologetically. It boils down to this. If you search out a Euro Trash film, be it an Italian Giallo or English 70's horror, you desire it to be as sleazy and unpolitically correct as possible but also you want the movie to have some semblance of a plot, be it ever tiny. Ilsa scores big on all these points. There is wall to wall nudity, all female. Gratitutious torture scenes that are more ridiculous than offensive, (I mean every time Ilsa drags a prisoner down for torture they are completely naked as they are being tortured). And all most everyone of the female cast members at some point is completely naked. Let's be honest, It ain't Shakespeare, nor does it pretend to be. 

Dyanne Thorne plays the title role, an extremely sadistic commander of a concentration camp where they perform 'medical research'.  She chooses male prisoners to satisfy her huge sexual demands and when they can't perform, she slices off their manhood.  However she eventually brings in prisoner Wolf and he knocks the bottom out of that pussy.  But he has plans of escape. I'd sure like to read Dyanne Thorne's autobiography, if she ever puts one out.  "Well, today I get paid to go dress up in complete Nazi regalia and pretend to pee on another higher ranking Nazi. Then, after lunch...".

Say goodbye to those balls young sir.
This notorious sleaze classic packs so much depravity into its 96 minutes running time (uncut), that lovers of exploitation will have a field day. From the opening scene in which Ilsa's sex slave is dragged back to the camp to be emasculated, to the ending in which the prisoners exact bloody retribution, sex and violence pervades every frame.  I know I sound like a broken record.  But Jesus Christ, this film is crazy.  It's in no way a good film but like a car crash, you have to look.  You may not want to eat an hour or so before the viewing.

You have been given the honor of sleeping with a German woman, an officer of the SS!
Filmed on the set of Hogan's Heroes (1965). The series had already been cancelled, and, on learning that the movie had the camp being burned down at the end, the set was given over to save the cost of demolition. 

The film was twice rejected for a UK cinema certificate by the BBFC.  

Phyllis Davis was originally considered for the role of Ilsa.