
Monday, February 15, 2016

Bloody Birthday (1981)

Lacking consciences because they were born during a solar eclipse, a trio of 10-year-olds embark on an indiscriminate killing spree.

Bloody Birthday is a 1981 slasher film directed by Ed Hunt and produced by Gerald T. Olson

In 1970, three children are born at the height of a total eclipse. Due to the sun and moon blocking Saturn, which controls emotions, they have become heartless killers ten years later, and are able to escape detection because of their youthful and innocent facades. A boy and his teenage sister become endangered when they stumble onto the bloody truth. 

This is an interesting and fun little horror movie from the early 80's that probably had a brief run in the drive-ins.   Not a masterpiece for sure, but still entertaining and surprisingly enough, it doesn't really have a lot of unintentionally funny scenes.  

The Nightmare Begins With The Kids Next Door
The title alone is quite misleading though since the body count and gore (blood) pale in comparison to other slasher films.  But these kids are ruthless jack. These little mother fuckers are shooting, stabbing and strangling their victims, stalking people with guns, spying on people having sex, pretending to put poison in a birthday cake, keeping a scrapbook with obituary clippings and doing all types of fucked up things.  And on a side note Downtown Julie Brown has a nude scene.

The kid probably wandered on the wrong set and he was really supposed to go to Revenge of the Nerds.   
Unfortunately no real explanation is provided for the kids sudden homicidal mania.  "Bloody Birthday," like many other films of 1981, is a film to be watched with tongue in cheek, and a six pack (or more) of beer.  The movie has some truly inventive killings--if you just ignore the fact that no 10 year old could carry these out!  There's also room left for a sequel but since it's 2016 I doubt that's in the cards now. 
God Damn Indians
Lori Lethin did all of her own stunts.

Despite popular belief that the film was shelved for five years after being shot it has been confirmed that it was shot in early 1980 and released the following year. 

The astrology book Joyce consults is "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs." None of the material she supposedly reads out loud is from the book, however.

The house depicted in the films colorful German poster is the same house from the mini-series Salem's Lot (1979).

The debut film for producer Gerald T. Olson.

The films French title is Les Tueurs de l'éclipse, meaning "The Killers of the Eclipse" and its German release title was Kinder des Teufels, meaning "Children of the Devil." 

Body count: 8.
Curtis Taylor: [about to spy on Beverly] But what if she catches us?
Debbie Brody: No way. All her brains are in her bra!

Debbie Brody: [after they beat her father to death] Mommy mommy come quick! Daddy fell!

God Damn Cowboys