An Apache warrior who defies U.S. attempts to bring the Indians under
control grapples with an array of U.S. soldiers sent to subdue his
revolt. Sympathetic scouts seek to bring Geronimo back to the
reservation before he is hunted down.
Blond haired Chuck Conners is GERONIMO!!!! That's right a white dude playing the famous Indian. We also have Kamala Devi playing his wife. She's an Indian alright...from India playing an American Indian. Conners must have really dug her because he married her in real life. It even has Batman Adam West as a member of the Union army in hot pursuit of Geronimo. However, their performances are actually pretty good. Conners was at the height of his popularity as "The Rifleman" when this film was made.
Geronimo wants a little Indian Va-jay-jay |
I suppose this was a pretty good Western film but there wasn't nearly enough battles or gun fights for me. They are very far and few between. The film begins with Geronimo surrendering and going to live on the San Carlos
Reservation. But ill treatment by corrupt politicians and self
righteous do-gooders forces Geronimo to take his warriors and leave. He then has a stand off with the US Army. It then ends at a point that will make you wonder what happened in real life
to Geronimo afterwards.
The Most Defiant Warrior Of Them All!
If you can get over how ridiculous Connors looks as a blue eyed Indian,
the film Geronimo is not a bad one given the fact it is a B film. The script
problems include the movie not really going deep in his character but it held my attention. It's probably not historically accurate but you could do much worse on a snowy afternoon.
Geronimo is not a big fan of reading. |
What did happen in real life? Geronimo didn't live happily ever after but was screwed
again by the hated white man and not allowed to returned to his beloved
and ancestral homeland in the Arizona Territory of the USA. Geronimo
instead ended up making a meager living becoming a side show curiosity
in Wild West Shows with people paying to photograph or be photographed
with the once brave and fearless Apache warrior. Living out his last
days at the US Army base at Fort Sill Oklahoma Geronimo passed away on
in the dead of winter on February 17, 1909 at the age of 79 from
pneumonia. His last words were reported to have been said to his nephew
saying that the biggest mistake he ever made was surrendering and not
fighting to the death against the white man. That damn evil white devil.
No bullet could kill him. No army could capture him.